Kamis, 30 Maret 2017


Because there are things that may not be owned by others such as lacBefore we start something we should have to prepare carefully beforehand .So also with a speech whose name is necessary readiness and training mature, and must master pentas.Latihan and mental readiness was very necessary, we need to also remove the fear and the need to be sure if we can, do not think about anything else focus on what we will convey in speech and to whom we deliver the speech. In the speech we must calm demeanor do not be nervous and always confident, as it also had to memorize all of what we have to get in a speech and not based on the existing text. In the speech we must calm demeanor do not be nervous and always confident, as it also had to memorize all of what we have to get in a speech and not based on the existing text.In a speech should we must know what the core issues that would be submitted, and what topics we will convey.Of a problem that we convey in a speech likelihood we rarely do by some people, only certain people menyamaikan a speech in front of people,k of confidence that could trigger and no courage to megemukan pendapan front of many orangitu also triggers.

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